H.I.V? am i infected, probably?..terrified?

im 17 (male) and very sexually active...i had unprotected sex with a woman (only vaginal)..who was around 35-40 (yes i love milfs) in a foreign country (Thailand) (yes i know, im young, naive and probably going to die from this stupid sexual experience)....i flew back home to England (caught a cold from someone on the plane?). 2-3 weeks later..i had a cough (NOT a sore throat, i smoke as well also) which lasted 2-3 days, then i had a SLIGHTLY blocked/runny nose. the illness ended within 6 days..i had no other symptoms at all (no headches, lymph nodes didnt swell, no rashes etc..)and now i feel perfectly fine and very healthy.. and yes im going to get tested when it hits 3 months for all STD's and for HIV, then again 6 months later if it shows negative.

What other STD's or illness's cause cold/flu like symptoms after 2-4 weeks?

yes im very worried, cant sleep etc....but i feel absolutly fine..ive slept with two other girls (both using a condom) my age since ive been back and they are absolutly fine with nothing wrong with them.

i think im in a state of denial...nervous, since im young, i dont particurlarly wana die anytime soon..i hear if u have HIV at this age u aint guna last till ur 20?

i may sound casual but, im **** scared deep down...


Posted by beautifultakenwomanbyjp_20
Hmm it does't automatic mean you contracted hiv with having cold/flu-like symptoms it could just be a bug going around or even the stomach flu. I would suggest getting tested for stds within 2-3 weeks after possible of explosure of having unprotected sex with someone you dont know there std/hiv status. Then I would test for hiv infection within 30 to 90 days , after 90 days is a accurate test result. I would't wait till 3 months to test for std's just to let you know! Cause if you do have an sexual transmitted disease such as gonnorrhea or chlmaydia you need to get it treated right away. Also get tested for genital herpes 2 when you get tested for gonnorrhea and chlmaydia.

Posted by Symptomatix
infectious mononucleosis can cause similar symptoms and is spread by kissing. it is usually self-limiting viral infection.
getting HIV is bad, but not the end of the world. i m not in ur situation, but telling urself that this disease has a long course might help, at least till u get urself tested.
get urself tested at 30 days and then at 3 months. if positive, it will be confirmed by another test (western blot).
again, manifestations of disease (called AIDS) occur late in the course of the disease, sometimes as long as 10 years.
this duration may be increased or at least partly controlled by antiviral medications that are now available.

Posted by flowerman
Don't wait until 3 month to test, do it now! HIV will show up 90% of the time after the 1st month of having been infected. Then retest at 3 months. What you heard about HIV is wrong, IF you should test HIV+ find the best specialist you can, get plenty of rest, eat good meals, exercise, plenty of rest and when you go on medications take them as you are suppose to. People who test HIV+ in 2008 should live a normal life expectancy.

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Orignal From: H.I.V? am i infected, probably?..terrified?