What's the difference between a COLD and a FLU?
Various types of medication say for "COLD & FLU".. but i've always thought they are both one... are they different?? and whats the difference?

Posted by Trevor
A lot of the symptoms are very similar, but the biggest difference is that the flu involves a fever that lasts about 3 days or so, and a cold rarely involves a fever. Headaches are also more common with flu than with a cold. Otherwise, they're pretty much the same.

Posted by Jocelyn A
They are caused by two different kinds of viruses: the cold is cause by rhinovirus and the flu by influenza virus.
Same symptoms, you'll have a fever and be achy all over with the flu however which you won't get with a cold. Because they have the same symptoms a lot of medication can work for both. None of the medication you buy will work on killing off the virus it just helps with the symptoms, like stopping your nose from running and getting rid of the congestion you have.

Posted by Rebecca
Starve a fever
Feed a cold

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