How can i get rid of the flu without getting a flu shot?
I got the flu and i have a swollen throat, hard time breathing and throwing up every once in a while. I cant eat anything or drink anything. Even if i take a sip of water, i will throw it up in a couple of minutes. Can anyone help me?

Posted by essentiallysolo
a vaccine will not get rid of the flu, it only prevents you getting sick from it. Once you have the virus, all you can do is support your body while it fights off the virus. Lots of fluids, lots of rest.

Posted by candykane
Get some gatorade or another similar beverage. This will help your electrolytes. If you continue to get worse I would go to the doctor. You risk serious dehydration, with all that vomiting and no fluids going in.

You do not want to get a flu shot when you are sick. It will make you way worse.

Posted by Med Tech
Hey Mark,

Getting a flu shot now will due you no good. All flu's are self-limiting, meaning that after some time - a few days to a few weeks - your immune system eventually fights them off.

A flu shot will only work if you don't yet have the flu. The best thing you can do now is get plenty of rest and stay in bed. I know your throwing up right now but try to keep some liquids down, just water or gatorade if you can.

Also, if you are just getting these symptoms - usually within the first few days, the CDC recommends an anti-viral med like Tamiflu or a generic like it. It can really lessen the crappy effects of the flu. I've taken Tamiflu myself and it helped me get over my flu in about three days. The cheapest place I found it was

You may be able to find it cheaper if you do a search, but it's important to take it as soon as you start feeling bad.

I hope this helps, and I hope you feel better!

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