i got the nyquil (cold & flu) will it help me go to sleep ?
and i wanted to know im really sick with a cold and i wanted to know does this make me fall asleep quickly and help me feel better because i have a stuffy nose and its hard for me to go to sleep so i went to buy nyquil but the only one they had was nyquil cold & flu will that make me fall asleep
i have a really bad cold and was advised to take it will it help me go to sleep and how long will it take for it to kick in and can i put vapor rub onmy chest to help my congestion

Posted by David
yeah it will help u got to sleep it takes like 20 to 30 min and idk about the vapor rub check the back of the nyquil box and see what it says

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Orignal From: i got the nyquil (cold & flu) will it help me go to sleep ?