What are the differences between the symptoms of H1N1 and the normal flu?
There're at least 110 out of 1300 kids at my school who have flu-like symptoms. I'm just curious if there are specific differences between the two.

Posted by Angela
H1N1 is just another flu virus. The symptoms are the same.

Posted by Cupcake
I was told that H1N1 is just like the normal flu only a little worse, especially for pregnant women, the very young and the very old.

A sore throat and a high fever are signs you need to get tested for it.

Posted by Abradant_Spoon
it honestly doesn't matter. I just got over the flu (the hospital said they were 95% positive it was the H1N1 virus) and i'm fine. the only reason it was bad was because my immune system is trashed, but it still lasted less than a week. it's just media hype (hospital agreed) because it's different.

but the symptoms are more severe, like a really high fever and so on.

Posted by Sir Spam-a-lot
As far as I know, the are no differences. They are both influenza viruses, so they act in similar ways and are spread the same way. It just happens that H1N1 is a much more potent strain. I don't think you should be worried. Sleep well, wash hands often and eat properly to maintain a strong immune system.

Posted by SnowWhite
More Respiratory symptoms for H1N1. Flu you will have stomach pains and diharrea, while h1n1 you wont.

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