If you have type 1 diabetes and u have a cold, runny nose, soar throat.?
What do u do? Can anything bad happen? What medicines do u take?

Posted by psychobilly_phreakout
Call your doctor.

Posted by farthead612
it could make your blood sugar run high or it does mine, i have to go to the doctor and get antibiotic

Posted by Cammie
You and your endocrinologist should have covered sick day protocol.
If you don't have an endo- get one. Diabetes is not the job of a GP.
Monitor your sugar often, it may go up due to the infection even though you have not eaten much.
Adjust your medication accordingly, drink lots of liquids and it is just fine to take most OTC medications to make you feel better.

Feel better soon

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Orignal From: If you have type 1 diabetes and u have a cold, runny nose, soar throat.?