Is it normal to have already had 3 severe colds and a strain of the flu already this year?
I've been sick January with the flu, Feb with a severe cold, March with another cold, nothing in April, but again now in May with another cold.

Is this normal? I have 3 kids under the age of 4, and they seem to get the cold every time, before I had kids, I'd probably have a cold once a year, and the flu once every 2-3 years. Now it just seems recurring.

Is this normal? My wife said it is because we have kids and whenever they get sick they pass it on to us the adults. I dunno about that because I work out every single day, and when I get sick, I am really sick. And these severe cold i've been having ain't no fun at all.

Posted by TweetyBird
Normal is relative. Our kids do tend to pass on whatever virus they pick up and bring home. And while it's hard to avoid this, your resistance may not be what it should. Look at your diet and lifestyle for clues. Do you eat a healthy diet? Do you get regular sleep and for adequate amounts? Do you smoke or are you exposed to second-hand smoke? Have you been putting in extended work hours?

If your answers to these questions don't explain things to your satisfaction, I suggest you get a complete physical and bring this up with your doctor.

Posted by pasper2
if you are getting yearly flu shots then that is your problem,as they wreck your immune system and make you 270% more likely to get flu

Posted by hrcdrc
Your wife is right. Kids spread germs and it makes you more vulnerable. A coworker of mine said that when she worked at a daycare with toddlers, she would get sick once a month, and get recurring colds.

Posted by lolit
colds is a contagious disease which easily trnsferred to close contacts especially if your body immune system is low . the best thng to do is to get immunized against flu virus . balanced diet .take more fluid intake, viatmin c rich foods ,regular exetcise ,enouch rest like your sleep should at least 8 hours a day .and do not forget to stay away from too much stress.

Posted by Sweetie Pie
You are probably under lots of stress which will affect your immune system. Manage the stress and get more rest and R&R. Here are some other suggestions. Wash your hands often and keep the jell handy when the kids are sick. Do not kiss kiddos on the mouth (many parents do). Do not let them share your popcorn bowl. Use an antiseptic mouth was 2x a day when they are ill and gargle with it. That keeps the germs at bay. Teach them how to cover their mouth with their elbo when they sneeze. You should take vitamins daily and drink lots of water. Use lysol spray on door nobs and things they touch when they are ill. Do all this when they are ill and you will lower your chances of getting ill with them. You are working out every day, your body needs time to recuperate. Cut back on that a bit when they are ill. Take extra vitamin C in the winter and most importantly, get at least 15 to 20 minutes of sunshine per day. The vitamin C comes in chewable pill forms. Good luck and welcome to daddy-hood.

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Orignal From: Is it normal to have already had 3 severe colds and a strain of the flu already this year?