What do I have? (Cold/Flu thing)?

Posted by Simon | 5:55:00 PM

What do I have? (Cold/Flu thing)?
Hi, I've had a bad cold for the last 3 days, this is the third day.

First day was a really sore throat and slightly runny nose.

Second day the throat died down a little, but my nose became more blocked and stuffy.

Third day - I'm now spitting out yellow mucus and my nose is really blocked, one nostril I plain just can't breath through and the other is all this constant runny mix of the yellow mucus and clear snot. My throat is also extremely sore and dry from spending all of last night sleeping with my mouth open because it's hard to breathe through my nose.

Sounds gross, I know.

I'm currently taking Codral Cold & Flu (if you don't know what it is, google it, I'm Australian) and it doesn't seem to be working.

What do I have?

What can I do to reduce the effects?

Thanks alot.
Also I seem to be burping alot over the past 2 days...? I'm on the verge of vomiting too because I'm coughing so much, I think the mucus is irritating my throat or something.

Posted by Tracey
All your symptoms show it is a common cold effect. But watchout this days. I am from US and I would suggest you take Night quoel. They really work. One at night and one in day. Another advice is Stay home, a lot of fluid, treat yourself with delicous food, and avoid touching any dirty or infected things. Use your tissue once and recycle it.

If you are not feeling better in three days, then i assume your body has not yet build the antibiotic resistance to kill those viruses. Which means you have a weak antibody. TO build it, you need to feed yourself, drink a lot of water, and keep me updated on your progress.


Posted by Skyline Dancing
Get perscribed Tamiflu!

Posted by Periwinkle Blue
Your symptoms sound like a cold more than flu. Drink tons of fluids, that will help thin the mucus and help it drain more easily. Also, if you can, try and sleep with extra pillows that will keep your upper body slightly elevated (about 45 degrees) to help your head congestion drain through the night. Some people swear that avoiding dairy products when they are congested helps them heal faster. A few of my friends claim that eating very spicy foods help their congestion to thin and drain quickly as well, but don't try that if your stomach has been upset at all.

Hope you feel better soon!

Posted by Shalimar
A little miracle item....a Nehti Pot. A nasal irrigator. You can get one at a health food store or maybe even at Walmart. They cost under $ 20 for sure & look like a lil watering can....for noses. You put about 1/8 tsp. table salt in it & add hot water, just a bit & swish it around. Then fill up rest of the way with warm water. You tip your head to the side & down, insert nozzle into nostril which is highest, open your mouth & let 1/2 the pot run in. Then quickly blow your nose into the sink...yes, the sink. Then repeat with other nostril. The salt is a natural disinfectant & will kill tons of nasty lil viruses swarming around in there & it will help cut down on the mucus. You may need to do it several times a day, but it is sooo worth it. Make sure you rinse the salt water off your face or your nose will get chapped & sore. It will help with headaches & sinus pain too. My best to you!


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