Sick at home -very bad cough what's good to stop my cough.?
O.k i've been sick and have been coughing a ton and i've only had about one hour of sleep because my coughing keeps me up-for a while i was lucky if i didn't cough for a full minute but now it's calmed down a bit but im still coughing a lot and am very exhausted and am getting close to really feeling like throwing up because i've coughed so much, i've takening different medicines-not all at the same time-different days-2 different robitussins for cough, mucinex for allergies, equate night time cold flu relief, vicks, and then two other medicines, and none of it's working or it worked on one day only when i took 2 other medicines with it, throat drops and cough drops don't help at all, anybody know of some good medicine for coughing, really bad soar throat and to help sleep-btw i haven't gone to the doctors yet but i doubt it's swine flu, i haven't had one of the symptoms- diarrhea, oh and herbal teas haven't helped either tried 5-6 including ones like throat coat

Posted by Mr. Gerbik
If OTC cough meds are not working your doctor can prescribe you a stronger cough syrup which may help.

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Orignal From: Sick at home -very bad cough what's good to stop my cough.?