Swine flu or common cold?

Posted by Simon | 9:54:00 AM

Swine flu or common cold?
It's a little early in season for the regular flu, and recently, this past Friday (correspondingly with the cold change in weather) I came down with these symptoms-- Sore throat, headache, body aches, lukewarm temperature. Saturday night I took a tylenol and was able to sleep soundly through the night. This morning (Sunday) I have a slight runny nose/sore throat, mild headache, infrequent cough, and am already feeling a little better after two days.

First off, does this sound like a common cold, or swine flu? If I DO have swine, would a trip to the doctor even be necessary, or will it just go away on its own? I am wondering whether to schedule in an appointment, or if it is not even worth it.

I don't hope for anything, whether I have a cold, regular flu, or swine makes no difference to me. I apologize for contributing to the influx of swine flu questions lately.

Posted by FroztByte
Hmmmm...*I lie to give you some hope*
This is common flu.
I'm not a doctor.

Posted by brianna.<3
It's just the common cold. Continue to rest and drink fluids.

Posted by beatle1909
Swine flu, gag me with a spoon. Talk about a "status" disease!

Posted by Ambeaner
just sounds like a cold to me. Generally you'd have chills and a fever above 101*F.

Posted by TweetyBird
Okay, Mr. Bateman, we'll play it your way. You can check symptoms for yourself but if you'd prefer not to that's your call.

Flu viruses are around all year long. A sudden, moderate fever is associated with flu. I don't know what a "lukewarm" temperature is. It's not a number. I'm so sorry. It sounds like more than just a cold and may be a flu virus or just one of the thousands of minor viruses that strike us down from time to time. Swine flu is really no different than ordinary seasonal flu and you should recover from this just fine. It's not worth seeing your doctor unless your condition worsens significantly and if it did, it would likely be because it's not a flu at all. Save your shekels. Treat your symptoms and give yourself supportive care. Your condition isn't serious at all.

I am an imminently qualified nurse and I do enjoy helping people, as you so kindly pointed out to me but I also believe people should help themselves. We can often do that with the abundant information already available online. I'm ecstatic that you're feeling better and I hope you continue to improve with each passing day.

Thank you for emailing me, Mr. Bateman. I look forward to deleting it. xxxooo

What do you think? Answer below! Cold and Flu Basics - Cold and Flu Center - Gocoldflu.info
How to recognize the symptoms of cold and flu, which treatments work best, and advice on staying healthy during cold and flu season

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