when we caught of fever or cold, is it necessary to swallow tablets or will it automatically cured?
one elder said 'in our human body it is not necessary to take pills when caught of fever or cold.' it will get cured automatically and it is such a nuture of body of our human body... is it correct?

Posted by nesmith52
A cold will get better with time, but if you take pills or medicine, it will lessen the time you are sick. A regular cold runs its course in 7-10 days and with medication, you will be well in 3-5 days. Just depends on how miserable you want to be. Oh course, if you get a secondary infection like pneumonia or bronchitis, then you must take antibiotics to get better.

Posted by snizz35
OK if you have a low fever, it's not necessary to take anything because a fever is actually your body's way to get rid of the bug!
If you have a high fever you must take Tylenol or Motrin to keep the fever down, as a high fever can kill you or cause damage to the brain.
If you have merely a cold you don't have to take anything it will run its course and heal by itself.
If you have an infection you should take antibiotics because your body will not be able to cure the infection and you might end up with pneumonia (an infection of the lungs) which can also kill you!
Over the counter products you take during a bout of cold are usually taken to make you cope better with the symptoms but usually do nothing to shorten or cure your cold.
low grade: 38–39°C (100.4–102.2°F)
moderate: 39–40°C (102.2–104.0°F)
high-grade: 40–42°C (104.0–107.6°F)
hyperpyrexia: over 42°C (107.6°F)

Posted by me and my life
yes and no. See tablets doesnt 'cure' colds (because it is a virus) and so if we cant cure the cold, all the tablet is doing is weaking the other symptoms so our own immune system will do the rest. Fever, by the way is a symptom, is like an auto matic reaction. However, you can take IV fluids which can speed up your recovery.

Posted by Andrea H
The flu and a cold are both viruses. Viruses have to be fought off naturally by your body. All the medicine does is reduce your symptoms.

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