Can a cold make your period late?

Posted by Simon | 5:53:00 PM

Can a cold make your period late?
Me and my fiancee had unprotected sex in Oct around my ovulation date. But he didn't cum in me. I took 2 tests before my period was due both were negitive. My cycle is anywhere from 29 to 34 days. Today is the 32nd day of my cycle and still no period. I had pains for one or two days like my period was gonna show up but it didn't. Every now and then I get lower stomach pain for 5 mins. About 10ish days after I ovulated I had a few spots of pinkish/redish blood and that was it. I had one day for about 5 mins were I felt like I was gonna puke. I've been peeing a lot more often. I used to drink soda a lot but now I usually can finish a can of it. For 2 or 3 days I was always hungry. I haven't had sore boobs or nipples. I can't really tell if m boobs have gotten bigger cuz they're naturally DD. I started feeling cold/flu sick yesterday. Could this cold cause me to miss my period or is there a chance I could be pregnant? I'm gonna test again on Nov 6 or 7th. What does this sound like to you?
I'm 23 and I've only missed one period in my life.
one test was about 10 days after ovulation should have happened. the other was about 2 to 3 days before y period. this would be my first ppregnancy. i was trying to wait to take the test but couldn't wait any longer. lol.

Posted by Anastasia
If you and your fiancee didn't use protection then it sounds like you could be pregnant. A cold can not make your period late. It really doesn't make sence to take 2 tests before our period is due but I think you should take one now.

Posted by Samantha
I think you just can't tell without a test.
Most symptoms apply for both pregnancy and period! I know, it's confusing!!

Posted by yay450
It is possible you're pregnant it is also possible you're late because you're stressing about pregnancy. Any type of stress can make you be late or miss a period. Relax, take some deep breaths and give it a couple days.

Posted by manda d
i dont think so the best people to ask is your doctor

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