If you had an allergic reaction to the 2009-2010 seasonal flu, should you consider getting h1n1?
I have many allergies and severe asthma. Cant get a straight answer from any doctor...what does the community think?

Posted by ?
It depends on what your allergic reaction was previously. If the allergic reaction was life threatening, such as anaphylatic shock, then you should not ever get a influenza vaccine again. If you have an allergy to eggs, then you should not get any influenza vaccine. Frequently side effects are considered by some to be "allergic reactions" but this would not be a true allergy. You are high risk for complications from influenza due to your history of severe asthma. Ask your doctor if it is ok for you to get the vaccine.

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Orignal From: If you had an allergic reaction to the 2009-2010 seasonal flu, should you consider getting h1n1?