Does the swine flu cause people to throw up?
I have a phobia of throwing up, I don't remember where it originated from, but anyway, I've been really nervous about getting the swine flu because I read that it causes throwing up in some people, is this true? If it is, is it a common symptom? I thought swine flu was just an influenza. And lastly what are some of the best ways I could prevent myself from getting it?

Posted by Lighteye13721
throwing up is a common symptom of any flu, and to prevent it,wash your hands don't get near sick people, the usual. In my opinion swine flu is overhyped by the media, so i woudn't worry to much about it.

Posted by Tohkrah
I've read that vomiting can be a symptom of swine flu. Vomiting is also a symptom of a host of other common illnesses. Regular Flu will do that, stomach bugs, viruses, ect

The best ways to prevent yourself from getting it is to cover your mouth when you catch someone cough or sneeze around you, wash your hands often and try to keep your and away from your mouth, nose, and eyes.

Posted by Abbie xxx
I looked it up on the NHS and it said:

The symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of human seasonal flu and include fever, fatigue, lack of appetite, coughing and sore throat. Some people with swine flu have also reported vomiting, diarrhoea and aches and pains in their limbs.

Posted by Hoi Yan
The symptoms for swine flu can be headaches and coughs and that but yes if it's really severe then it can lead to diahorea.

To prevent yourself from getting it be more hygenic like buy some anitbacterial handwash to kill off germs and apply to your hands regularly. Mind you, if you have a cut on your hand and put the Carry tissues around whereever you are and bin them straight away after use. Don't ly them hanging around otherwise other sicknesses can happen. Wash your hands with warm, hot water and soap.

Posted by TearsShed
In some casses it does make them.
Not all but some...

The symtomps are like a regular flu which some people posted.

I understand how you feel.

Well I have faith in God =) & its been in my state & city so at first i was really nervous but after i prayed read the bible & talk to my mom & christian friends it seems to not bother me anymore that its going around.
I feel save =)

As for the precatiouns well wash your hands DAILY.
With soap, make sure you close the fossid with a napikin since you opened it with your dirty hands then after you wash them & you touch it you get them dirty again.

When you come home take off your clothes & put on some house clothes because if you sat were someone had coughed in their hand then touched the seat or their bag then the virus spreads to the seat and you sit on it, it gets on your clothes. so put them in the dirty clothes when you come home & also wash your hands when you come home.

If you go to school make sure you dont let anyone cough on your food,
Dont let anyone touch your food or drink.
Dont touch your face because if your hands have the virus and you touch your face they can go in your eyes then you could get it.

when you come home take off your shoes & leave them at the entrance & wear flip flops at home.
Thats a big precation.

drink echinacea tea it helps your immune system.
get 8-10 hours or more of sleep to also help your immune system.

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