Should i take the swine flu vaccine when i feel like i'm coming down with a cold?
my throat hurts, i keep coughing
but should i get the swine flu vaccine?
some schools in my district are giving it out for free tomorrow and i dont know if i should get it or not because i am starting to feel sick.
can it hurt me even more than help me?

Posted by Kat
No, especially if they're doing the nasal mist vaccine since it contains barely living, attenuated flu virus cells. The shot does not contain live viruses. Your immune system will be run down if you're trying to fight off something else, so it's crucial you don't receive any sort of vaccination until you are 100% healthy.

Posted by Aria

Posted by Alyssa
No, you should not get vaccinated because the vaccine is a small dose of the virus itself and if your immune system is already low then you would get more sick than if you had a strong immune system! I hope i helped!

Posted by JoeC
They normally recommend not getting a flu shot if you already have a cold.

That said, I got the flumist yesterday even though I had a bit of a cold. My reasoning was that I needed it because I am getting exposed to patients with flu all the time now, and yesterday was the only chance I would have to get the vaccine. We are out of it now for about a month or so.

Anyways today I am over my cold and I felt a little weird for a few hours after the flumist (like I was coming down with the flu) but OK since then.

Posted by Bec
no, vaccine probably won't help if your symptoms are the beginning of the disease it protects against.

there's some risk it could cause problems if you get it while you are sick.

there should be guidelines for it somewhere, depends what sort of vaccine they are giving, contact the people who are giving it and ask if you can get it while you have a cold.

if possible maybe just pay for it after you are well? the sort of vaccine it is i don't think it would be very expensive. It's a lot simpler than vaccines like the HPV vaccine.

also swine flu isn't as dangerous as they thought it might be, so if you are fit and well (other than the cold) you are probably relatively safe to just skip the vaccine.

if at all possible consult a doctor

one way you could maybe get some free advice is to go to a pharmacy (pick one that isn't too busy) and ask to speak to the pharmacist (the sales assistant won't be able to help) ask if they think it's ok to have the vaccine while you have a cold. they may even have a fact sheet or something on the vaccine and you can check whether it's an issue.

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