The Flu?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Posted by Simon | 9:51:00 AM

The Flu?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Happy easter everyone! Well, yesterday, I slept over my friends house. I went to bed relatively late, and woke up at around 9. The air in her house was extremely dry, and I woke up with a really bad cough. I thought I just needed to get some water, but my throat has been killing me ever since. When I came home, I took some NiQuil and took a 4 hour nap and I had to miss all of my easter festivities. I still feel rather head cold-ish and am worried that I am coming down with the bug everyone else is getting. I dont know if this is obsord but I have braces and have multiple cuts in my mouth from them. I share drinks a lot with people so I wonder if I get sick from them because the virus gets right into my body from the cut?
I cant miss school tomorrow! So please! Can someone give me a diagnoses and some remedies that will help me get better for tomorrow?
Much love to everyone! Have a happy easter!<3

Posted by Temari-Sensei
Try ziacam. That swab thing that you stick in your nose. It sounds like just a normal cold,tho. If it gets really bad, ask your mom to take you to the doc to give you a quick fix... you may not like it tho, because it's a shot... lolz. Hope you get better. If your throat keeps hurting start using zinc or honey cough drops.

Edit: Merry Easter! ^__^

Posted by Festive!
Ive found that the first symptoms are nearly always a sore throat. start taking precautions as if you have a cold.
gargle warm salt water (and spit it out!) several times, about three times a day.
keep wrapped up and warm
if your gettng sick soon you'll get mucus, make sure you get it out (i know it sounds gross, but mucus traps pathogens.)
mix honey and freshly squeezed lemon into hot water and drink it frequently through the day. you can swap this for beechams or lemsip but they contain paracetamol, dont take paracetamol seperately.

hope you feel better soon. xx

Posted by Lola
First off Honey, NEVER and nicely said NEVR share a drink w/anyone, clean or not, It;'s just not a good thing to do! Best wishes, and sleep w/a humidifier on. OH and Happy Easter

Posted by PAIX
Could be common winter ailment of flu.
At the moment your best weapon would essentially be too get a flu vaccine at your local doctor.
Take good care!

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