how can i get over flu or cold without using medican? any foods of juices?
i was wondering how i could get over a cold or the flu without having to use medican. i always think just drinking lots of juice.

see to me, medican can make symptoms worse then they already are, and tends to be expensive.

Posted by prasanth
Eat liquid food like soups. Fruits with Vitamin C is a very good tooo.. like oranges or u can have orange juice...

Posted by 3timescharmed
Lots of fluid, water & orange juice. No pop or sports drinks with sugar, etc.
We always go by the brat diet. Bananas, rice, apple sauce and toast. Chicken broth is also good or warm jello.
Hope you are feeling better soon!

Posted by j6969joe6969j
i try to act as if its a normal day i don't really like pills because they dont really work or like you said "make symptoms worse then they already are"

Posted by mumbug1

I am a nurse and I tend to prescribe bed-rest, copious volumes of fluids, hot, steamy baths and to drink hot water with a spoonful of honey and a couple of slices of lemon in it.

Fail safe and you will feel better in no time!

Posted by chelsea
Make sure you keep warm have lots of rest, drink plenty of fluid and take vitamin c in the form of oranges etc

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Orignal From: how can i get over flu or cold without using medican? any foods of juices?