What are the amount of ingredients needed to make Sizzurp?
I have:
170mL bottle of Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu
Jolly Ranchers
Fruit Punch

How much NyQuil and vodka with how much fruit punch?

Thank you

Posted by Polar Nights
Just tryin to hep a dawg out

1. sizzurp 1058 up, 119 down
The original formula:

Promethazine w/Codeine syrup
Any fruit flavored soda
A jolly rancher

Put it all in a styrofoam cup and enjoy. The codeine is mainly responsible for the euphoria felt after drinking sizzurp. Promethazine causes motor skill impairment, lethargy, and extreme drowsiness. If it doesn't have promethazine, it ain't real sizzurp.

DXM is not a component of sizzurp, although it may produce vaguely similar effects to the above recipe in doses ranging from 150 - 250 mg.
I drank a deuce (2 oz.) of sizzurp and got straight folded.

just go hit a up a friend house for some prescription cough syrup. I has codeine in it. If you want get prescription cough syrup and crush up some more pain killers in it. I prefer 6 10's in mine drink half the bottle and you will be straight folded. Have fun. Holla back

Posted by AdviceFromMerv
Eh, skip the Promethezine/Codeine stuff (unless you're prone to nausea or something)....toss some Tussionex in, instead.

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